Rules of the school





Chapter 1 General rules


1. This Charter determines the procedure for the organization and implementation of activities of the general secondary educational institution No. 329 (further - the general educational institution).

It is recommended that a non-governmental educational institution develop and approve its Charter in accordance with this Regulation.

2. In its activities, the educational institution shall abide by the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" and other laws, resolutions of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees, resolutions and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, other normative legal acts. as well as orders, assignments and instructions of the Ministry of Public Education and this Charter.

3. General education institution is the main link of the system of continuing education, it is a compulsory educational institution that provides general secondary education in the basics of science on the basis of state educational standards for students in grades I-XI.

4. The educational institution is a legal entity and has its own Charter, independent balance sheet, personal treasury accounts, bank accounts, a seal with its name (the image of the State Emblem of the Republic of Uzbekistan), a stamp and letterhead.

5. The Charter of the general education institution is adopted by the Pedagogical Council, approved by the district (city) department of public education and registered with the local government.

6. General secondary education in public educational institutions is free of charge.

Depending on the needs of the parents of the students or their substitutes (hereinafter referred to as parents), additional paid educational services may be established in general education institutions in order to facilitate the education of children.

7. The choice of the language of instruction in the secondary school is made in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the state language".

8.The general education institution is an educational institution under the Department of Coordination of General Secondary Education Institutions, Yangihayot District Department of Public Education, which is included in the system of the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

9. The secondary school is located in Yangihayot district, Tashkent.


2-chapter. Protecting student health


46. ​​Medical care for students is provided by medical staff attached to general education institutions.

Medical staff, along with school administration and teachers, organize treatment and prevention activities, compliance with sanitary norms, rules and hygiene requirements, diet and quality of food, medical examination of studentsand are responsible for healing.

47. The management of the general education institution shall create the necessary conditions for the work of medical staff (special premises, furniture and medical equipment, medicines required for first aid).

48. Annual medical examination of students of secondary schools is carried out in the manner prescribed by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

49. Psychological support of the educational process in general education institutions is carried out by school psychologists.

50. In order to provide correctional and speech therapy assistance to students with speech defects and pronunciation defects, a speech therapy unit with teachers-speech therapists (defectologists) may be established in the general education institution.



3-chapter. Participants in the learning process

rights and obligations


63. The participants of the educational process are:

students of secondary school (hereinafter referred to as students);

teachers of secondary school (hereinafter referred to as teachers);

administration of the general education institution (director, deputy directors);

parents of students;


64. Rights of students:

free education in a general secondary education institution in accordance with state standards;

respect for their human dignity, freedom of conscience and information, free expression of their views and beliefs;

engage in various scientific activities, participate in seminars, conferences, Olympiads, exhibitions and competitions;

use of additional (paid and free) educational services;

exercise other rights provided by law.


65. Student Responsibilities:

Observance of the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, rules of ethics;

unconditional compliance with the provisions of this Charter and internal regulations;

aspirations for general education within the scope of state educational standards;

to attend classes on time according to the schedule, to attend all classes, not to miss classes without a reason;

bring all the necessary equipment, diary, textbooks, manuals and notebooks for the learning process;

to come in the form of the student specified in this Charter;

timely completion of assignments given by teachers;

to independently increase and strengthen their knowledge and practical skills, as well as to raise the level of generalization;

to be active in the performance of general education and public tasks;

preservation of the property of the general education institution.


66. Teachers:

have a good knowledge of the subject he teaches and have sufficient professional skills;

to be an example to others in the secondary school and among the teaching staff with their knowledge, behavior, high spiritual and moral qualities, internal and external culture, exemplary lifestyle, dress code;

to refrain from engaging in behavior unacceptable to social life, and to be aware of the behavior of their students;

to be active in improving the reputation, quality and effectiveness of education;

high level of professional skills, ensuring that students master the curriculum at the level of state educational standards;

respect students' identities and protect them from all forms of violence;

to educate students in the spirit of respect for existing laws, labor, parents, spiritual, historical, national and universal values, to educate students in the spirit of mutual respect, harmony and solidarity;

timely and quality preparation for training, regular professional development;

to improve their professional skills in the institutes of advanced training in the established terms or in case of need of advanced training, and young specialists to undergo advanced training three years after graduation;

participation in the activities of methodological councils and methodological associations and other forms of methodological work;

participate in meetings of the pedagogical council and the administration of the educational institution;

regular contact of students with their parents (substitutes);

this Charter must comply with the requirements of the dress code established by the internal regulations.


67. Director of the educational institution:

carries out the general management in all directions of activity of activity of educational institution;

is the chairman of the pedagogical council on the position;

directly manages the educational process and daily activities of the secondary school;

organizes educational (educational) work, provides administrative, economic (financial) work of the school, creates the order of observance of safety norms and rules;

within the limits of its authority, has the right to give instructions to each employee, which are binding on them;

Defines the school development strategy, goals and objectives together with the Pedagogical Council;

carries out the development, approval and implementation of development programs, curricula, courses, disciplines, teaching materials, charter and internal regulations of the educational institution;

organizes and ensures the readiness of the secondary school for the new school year, autumn-winter season, carries out landscaping, landscaping work at the school, signs the acts of admission;

participates in the solution of educational-methodical, administrative, financial, economic and other issues arising in the course of the activity of the general education institution;

plans, coordinates and supervises the work of teachers and other staff;

carries out the selection and recruitment of personnel, determines the job responsibilities of employees, creates conditions for improving their professional skills;

approves lesson schedules, daily and annual work plans of teachers, tariff lists and vacation schedules;

to protect and strengthen the health of students and staff, to create the necessary conditions for healthy eating, to monitor their work;

ensures the implementation of the collective agreement, creates the necessary conditions for the work of the school teaching staff, the trade union organization;

exercise other powers established by the legislation.


68. Deputy Director for Academic Affairs:

- The deputy director for educational work is appointed and dismissed by the head of the district (city) department of public education on the recommendation of the director of the general education institution;

- The Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, in cooperation with the Director of the educational institution, organizes the educational process in the school, provides methodological guidance to the school teaching staff, ensures compliance with safety rules and regulations in the educational process, reports on educational work and organizes general compulsory education;

- The Deputy Director for Academic Affairs reports directly to the Director of the educational institution.


69. The Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, within the scope of his authority, performs the following duties:

- Organizes daily and future planning of the teaching staff;

- Coordinates the implementation of curricula and programs for teachers and other teaching staff;

- Organizes and coordinates the development of the necessary educational and methodological documents;

- Regularly monitors the quality of the educational process and the objective assessment of students' learning outcomes, the work of clubs and additional classes;

- Regularly analyzes the lessons conducted by teachers;

- Organizes the preparation and conduct of staged control exams and final state certifications;

- Receives parents (substitutes) on the organization of the educational process;

- Assists teachers in the development and implementation of new programs and pedagogical technologies;

- compiles schedules of classes and other types of educational activities, ensures quality and timely replacement of classes of temporarily absent teachers, keeps a log of missed and transferred lessons;

- Ensures the timely preparation of established reporting documents, controls the correct and timely maintenance of class journals and other documents by teachers;

- Participates in the selection and placement of teachers, organizes work to improve their skills and professionalism, monitors the knowledge of students;

- Supervises the work of methodological associations, improves their skills;

- Participates in the preparation and conduct of certification of teachers and other staff;

- maintains, signs and submits to the director the timesheet of teachers and teaching staff;

- Organizes the timely and quality certification of classrooms, workshops, gym and ancillary rooms with the participation of the Deputy Director for Economic Affairs;

- organizes the development and regular revision of sections on safety in the instructions on labor protection and guidelines for practical and laboratory work;

- In cooperation with the Deputy Director for Spiritual and Educational Affairs, determines the methodology and procedure for teaching the rules of traffic, swimming pools and street behavior, fire safety;

- Carries out other powers established by the legislation.


70. Deputy Director for Spiritual and Enlightenment Affairs:

- The deputy director for spiritual and educational work is appointed and dismissed by the head of the district (city) department of public education on the recommendation of the director;

- The deputy director for spiritual and educational work organizes extracurricular and extracurricular spiritual and educational work with students, provides general methodological guidance for spiritual and educational work;

- Ensures compliance with safety standards and regulations when working with students in the classroom and out of school during certain activities, cooperates with citizens' self-government bodies and other public organizations;

- The deputy director for spiritual and educational work reports directly to the director of the general education institution.


71. The Deputy Director for Spiritual and Enlightenment Affairs, within the scope of his authority, performs the following positions:

- Organizes the development and implementation of current and future plans for spiritual and educational work with students outside the classroom and out of school;

- Coordinates the work of class teachers, the leader of the Youth Union, a psychologist, a librarian, club leaders and other staff directly subordinate to this deputy director.

- Ensures the quality of regular spiritual and educational work, the work of clubs and extracurricular activities, as well as the maintenance of club journals;

- cooperates directly with parents (substitutes) in the spiritual and educational direction;

- monitors the attendance (attendance) of students on a daily basis, takes measures to involve students who are chronically absent in education together with parents and other partner organizations, and maintains a standard attendance journal;

- Carries out preventive measures together with law enforcement agencies to prevent juvenile delinquency;

- together with the psychologist of the institution conducts conversations among minors on the prevention of suicide and other negative situations;

- Implements measures to identify and develop gifted and talented students;

- Together with the librarian of the institution conducts advocacy activities to increase students' interest in reading;

- Organizes activities with students and their parents (substitutes) on health, road safety and prevention of other accidents;

- Supervises the compliance of students with the standards established by this Charter and internal regulations, rules of conduct;

- Controls the arrival of students in the form of students specified in the Charter, the full delivery of teaching aids;

- Carries out other powers established by the legislation.



4-chapter. Final rules


91. International cooperation of a general education institution is carried out on the basis of international agreements in the form of exchange of pedagogical information and experience with international and foreign organizations, professional development and internships of pedagogical staff.

92. General education institutions work in close cooperation with parents of students, citizens' self-government bodies, other educational institutions and non-governmental non-profit organizations.

93. The establishment and operation of organizations, including political parties and movements, not related to their activities in general education institutions is not allowed.

94. Reorganization or liquidation of a general education institution is carried out by the founder (founder) in accordance with the requirements of the law.

The founder (founder) of the terminated secondary school is responsible for transferring students to other secondary schools with the consent of parents.

95. In case of liquidation of a general education institution, its funds and property shall be used in accordance with the legislation and the current Charter of the general education institution, minus payments to cover its obligations.

96. Re-registration of the current Charter of the general education institution is carried out in coordination with the lawyer of the district (city) department of public education.

97. Persons guilty of violating the requirements of this Charter shall be held liable in the manner prescribed by law.